Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
IUCN Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area)

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve
Location Nepal
Nearest city Inaruwa
Area 175 km2 (68 sq mi)
Established 1976
Governing body Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Ministry of Forests

The Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is a protected area in the Terai of eastern Nepal covering 175 km2 (68 sq mi) of wetlands in the Sunsari, Saptari and Udayapur Districts. In altitude it ranges from 75 to 81 metres (246 to 266 ft) and consists of extensive mudflats, reed beds, and freshwater marshes in the floodplain of the Sapta Kosi River. It was established in 1976 and designated as a Ramsar site in December 1987.[1]

It can be accessed from the Mahendra Highway.

A study of the reserve was conducted between 1997 to 1998 by the Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu. The study found serious conflicts between the reserve wildlife and the local people living adjacent to the reserve. The people suffered crop depredations and animal harassment while the reserve managers had the problems of poaching, cattle grazing, and other illegal activities in the reserve. The study has several recommendations, one of which is the promotion of tourism to the area with the reserve using local tourist guides trained by wildlife experts.[2]



The vegetation of the reserve is mainly characterised by mixed deciduous riverine forest, grasslands and marshy vegetation. The coverage of grasslands is 68%, compared to only about 6% of forest, which is predominated by Sisso. Patches of Khair forest are more prevalent towards the northwestern part. The grasslands near the running water bodies are maintained by the annual flooding and grazing by wildlife.[3] The Sapta Koshi River, a tributary of the Ganges, causes rapid and intense flooding during the rainy season. In the extensive wetlands, some 514 species of plants are found including Kapok, Sugarcane, reed, Cattail, Imperata cylindrica, eel grass, and species of Eichornia, Hydrilla, Azolla and Lotus.[1]


A wide range of faunal species inhabit the protected area. In its water courses and ponds, 200 species of fish have been recorded, most of which are resident. Two toad species, nine frog species, six lizard species, five snake species, 11 turtle species are recorded.[1] Gharial and Mugger crocodile occur as well.[3]


The 31 species of mammals recorded include the Asian elephant, Spotted deer, Hog deer, Wild pig, Smooth-coated otter and Golden jackal. The Ganges River Dolphin has been sighted in the Koshi River. Gaur and Blue bull have declined in numbers.[1] Nepal’s last remaining population of about 150 Wild Asian Water Buffalo called arna inhabit the area.[3]


Notable among the 485 bird species are Watercock, Indian nightjar, Dusky eagleowl, Black-headed cuckooshrike, Whitetailed stonechat, Striated grassbird, Large adjutant stork, Pallas’s fish eagle, Common golden-eye, and Gullbilled tern.[1] Bengal Florican, Swamp Francolin and Nepal Rufous-vented Prinia occur as well.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d e Bhuju, U.R., Shakya, P.R., Basnet, T.B., Shrestha, S. (2007) Nepal Biodiversity Resource Book. Protected Areas, Ramsar Sites, and World Heritage Sites. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, in cooperation with United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Kathmandu, Nepal. ISBN 978-92-9115-033-5 download pdf
  2. ^ Limbu, K. P., Karki, T. B. (2003) Park–people Conflict in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve. Our Nature (2003) 1: 15-18 pdf download
  3. ^ a b c d Karki, J. B. (2008) Koshi Tappu Ramsar Site: Updates on Ramsar Information Sheet on Wetlands. The Initiation, Vol 2, No 1: 10-16 pdf

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